Renselaer County Libertarian Party

Who Are We
The biggest thing that defines Libertarianism is the idea that people nor governments should initiate force against someone else.
We believe that good works are best done through voluntary interaction, not by force. As many services as possible now provided by Government should be provided by private individuals, charities, or businesses.
We believe Government should be as local as possible. The Rensselaer County Libertarian party is committed to taking decisions made now at the Federal and State level down to the County or Town Level, closer to the people impacted.
Rensco Libertarian Party

We are Rensselaer County Residents establishing a sanctioned offshoot of the Capital District Libertarian Party (CDLP). The CDLP is a part of the New York State Libertarian Party, which has been advocating for Liberty since 1971. In 2018's Governor's race, Larry Sharpe received over 80,000 votes, which gave the Libertarian party access to the ballot.
We are looking to capitalize on that ballot access and move Rensselaer County and New York State towards the principles of the Libertarian Party.

While we are a Political Party, we don't believe the Political Process is the best way to create a better society. While we feel it's important to engage in the Political Sphere, our hope is to help create the voluntary society we hope to see.
We hope to impact local Government and help organize volunteer efforts to help people in our community.
We also hope to foster an environment that is fair and open for all people, where the law is applied evenly and there is an opportunity for everyone.

Connect With Us!
Connect with us to help make an impact in our community! If you want to get involved with us, either Politically, Issue-based advocacy, or Volunteer in our Community!
While we won't always agree on all issues, we hope to find areas of common ground that can bring us together.
We hope to be a viable third party and a principled opposition to the entrenched Political Parties.